Courage to Build

I can always tell when I have been watching or reading too much news.  It has a tendency to make me feel anxious.  And, while it is true that our world is sinful, we have been given something much better on which to focus our attention:  


And His plan to restore creation and man

back to The Garden. 

You see, when I begin to feel that newsy anxiety, I know that I am forgetting that I hold Revelation 22 in my hands and heart.  Truly, I am confident, without a shadow of doubt, that YHVH will bring His people back to the peace of the Garden of Eden. 

Until then, we have been given important work to do.  What is that work?

Making Disciples

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Ruach ha-Kodeshteaching them to observe all I have commanded you. And remember! I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

We are to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God, and invite others to walk in the ways of YHVH through the power of The Holy Spirit by the sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua.  

Yeshua referred to His own body as The Temple.  Paul continued to reinforce to new believers throughout the new testament that the followers of Messiah Yeshua make up His Body.  

We Are To Be Builders!

In 1 Chronicles 28, David instructed his son, Solomon, on how to follow the blueprint of The Holy Spirit to build YHVH's physical temple.  Within David's instructions, there is something I find peculiar...

David encourages Solomon to be not be afraid or dismayed.

Did it take courage to build YHVH's physical temple?

Apparently David thought so...

Does it take courage to build the Body of Messiah Yeshua?

I believe at times it does.

Remember my newsy anxiety?

If I pay too much attention to this sinful world, I begin to have anxiety and doubts...I can feel oppressed or like the work is too hard.  I can feel like perhaps I misunderstood the commission or that I lack the power to persevere.  I can feel defeated. 

Now, I know that we are to be like the sons of Issachar who understood the signs of the times.  However, like them, we are to use those signs of the times to determine what we should be doing.  And there is no where in scripture that encourages us to be afraid or defeated.  In fact, we are told quite the opposite throughout the Bible.

Notice that the sons of Issachar did not operate by feelings.  Rather, they used the signs of the times to make decisions based on the commands of YHVH.  

So perhaps we can draw upon David's encouraging words to Solomon when we are tempted to be overwhelmed by feelings of fear while working to build Messiah's Temple...His Body....

"Chazak!  And be courageous, and do it!  Do not be afraid or dismayed, for Adonai Elohim my God is with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the House of Adonai is finished."   1 Chronicles 28:20 

The original temple was built by the plans of The Holy Spirit.

The Body of Messiah is built by The Holy Spirit as well.

We are but instruments...vessels....

Be strong and courageous.  Be the vessel.  Walk in the truth of His Word and not by the fear of this world.  

Go forth, and build in confidence.  

Chazak!  Yeshua has overcome the world!

Thank you for Seeking With Me...



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