The Two Witnesses


Cover of The Bronze Bow
Greetings Friends and Readers!  Have you read The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare?  It is one of my faves, and I recently brought it home from our local library to read again.  By the end of my blog, I hope to explain why...but it's gonna take me just a bit...   

During the long hot days of summer, our "Feasting Friends" small group has been keeping cool by studying the fall appointed times.  If the appointed times are new to you, check out Leviticus 23 for more context.  Our most recent gathering centered around Yom Teruah, or in English, the Feast of Trumpets.  

As our group read through the scriptures, I encountered a new question about the Feast of Trumpets that I had never thought of before.

What about the 2 witnesses 😲 ?

That 👆was the question.

Ummm...Debbie -- What are you talking about ?

You see, the Feast of Trumpets always takes place on the first day of the month, and in ancient Israel, the new month was always determined by the sighting of the sliver of the new moon by two witnesses in Jerusalem.

If we look at Trumpets in a prophetic sense...meaning its future fulfillment, shouldn't there be two witnesses?

So who/what are they?

What must they agree upon?

And what do they have to do with my library book? 😂

I will be back with a theory soon.  
(Until then, feel free to get started on The Bronze Bow).  

When I get it all sorted out, I will be inviting you to... 

Come Seek With Me!

Ready to Move On

Want to know more about the Feast of Trumpets?  Start here!


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