Come Read With Me!
Hello Dear Readers! I am writing to share some of my favorite books. Like you, I am a busy lady, so I have to get creative in how I read AND am selective with what books I am willing to spend my time. I am also on a budget with money AND storage space. For these reasons, I love finding FREE books that can be enjoyed electronically. There are even many FREE audio books! Much wisdom and pleasure can be gleaned from authors who have walked before our present generation, and much of their work can be found in the public domain. Past that, the local library is a great resource for FREE reading. My local library even has 2 electronic apps in which I can check out more recently published electronic and audio books (Libby and Hoopla). I bet yours does, too! Yes, I do purchase books occasionally, but I track down all free resources first. Here are my 2 favorite websites to access Free books: Project Gute...