Who Are We Following?

I've been doing some digging in Daniel as of late, and what a little gem I have discovered.  Come Seek With Me!

Here are three scripture passages that I will be referencing:
So, the big "Ah-Ha" moment for me has to do with why YHVH is so offended by the one who will "speak words against the Most High, and will continually harass the kedoshim (holy ones) of the Most High, and will try to change the appointed times and law.  Dan 7:25 (emphasis mine)

Obviously, it is offensive when one speaks words against YHVH and harasses His holy people.  That is a no-brainer.  But why is it such an offense to seek to change the appointed times?  That was the question that The Holy Spirit led me to seek, and I found the answer incredibly interesting.  

As I find so often, the answer goes back to Genesis.  When YHVH created the lights in the sky on the fourth day of creation, He created them to be for "signs, seasons, days, and years" (Gen 1:14).  I have read that verse for years without truly understanding what it means.  The word for "seasons" in Hebrew translates as...appointed times.  Remember what we read in Daniel.  The evil one will try to change the appointed times and law.  

We are told in Psalm 104:19 that YHVH made the moon for (I bet you know what I am going to say) appointed times.  

So, when the evil one who speaks words against the Most High tries to change the appointed times...

He is trying to change the creation.  

He is trying to "re-create" in a sense and take credit for something that YHVH has done.  He is trying to take our focus off of YHVH's beautiful creation and have us look to him...the evil one as the source of creation.  

If we are deceived into following the one who will try to change the appointed times, then we are denying YHVH the praise He deserves for His creation.  
How incredibly tragic!

I will be transparent in telling you that our culture...even our Christian culture...is not revolving around His appointed times.  The Church at large IS currently being deceived, and when we continue to follow in that deception, we are denying YHVH the proper credit and praise for His act of creation.  

I urge you dear reader to learn all that you can about YHVH's appointed times (start with Lev 23).  He crafted His creation to point to them.  They are important to Him, so they should be important to those of us who love Him.  If you are struggling to know where to begin, begin at the beginning.  There is no substitute for reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation!  

Come Seek with Me!

(Note:  What are God's appointed times?  They are His sabbaths and feasts; The Weekly Saturday Sabbath, Passover, Firstfruits, Shavuot, Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.  You can read about them in Leviticus 23).  


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