Appointed Times: Make a Joyful Noise!

 Make a Joyful Noise!

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In the _____ month, on the _____ day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with _____, a holy convocation.  You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the Lord."  

Leviticus 23:23-25 (ESV)

Let's do some unpacking!  Start by clicking the link above to fill in the blanks.

We found...

in the 7th month

on the 1st day

proclaimed with blast of trumpets

What does this mean?

The 7th month in this verse does not refer to our July.  It refers to the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar.  It aligns with our September / October, but the date changes yearly as it is calculated by lunar cycles which last only 30 days.

How doe we find this year's date? 

Just do a quick internet search. The information is readily available.

We notice from the verses that this appointed time is a memorial proclaimed with

blast of trumpets.

This is where we get our English title for this appointed time...the

Feast of Trumpets!

Let's get some context by searching for the word "trumpet" in Strong's Concordance.  

It is H8643.

What did you notice about how this word is translated?  

Here are some examples of H8643 "trumpets" used in scripture.  What are some similarities and differences in how the word is used?

The Hebrew word for H8643, that we call "trumpet" 🎺 in English is 




As we have seen, it really doesn't mean "trumpet."

But strangely, it doesn't really not mean it either.

It certainly seems to be connected to the idea of a trumpet as it is used in different ways throughout scripture.  

For now, let us continue to unpack...

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In the 7th month, on the 1st day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blasting of trumpets, a ___________.  You shall not do any _________, and you shall present a __________ to the Lord."  

Leviticus 23:23-25 (ESV)

Let's click the link above to fill in the missing words.

We found...

a holy convocation

You shall not do any ordinary work

present a food offering

So in addition to the "sound" of this appointed time 


~ trumpets or shouting or making a joyful noise~

(or all of the above!)

there are some things to do...

Have a holy convocation

Strong's defines this as a public gathering, a rehearsal, or a sacred assembly

Do not work

Strong's defines this in a way that speaks of "working for a living" type of work

Give an offering

Strong's defines this as a "burnt offering."

I think we are fairly comfortable with gathering and taking the day off from work.

My guess is that we are a bit concerned about giving a burnt offering.

While I will never attempt to "explain away" the Word of God, I will share some scriptures that helped me put this particular command in present-day context.  I personally DO NOT make animal sacrifices nor encourage others to do so. 

Click here for those scriptures

Based on the context of scripture, offerings can be made of thanksgiving, praise, a broken heart, mercy...and probably more.  


are the sacrifices and offerings we need to give The Lord during this special appointed time. 

Wrapping it up...

The Feast of Trumpets is a time to:

🎺Make Some Noise

🎺Be Joyful

🎺Gather With Others

🎺Rest From Work

🎺Offer a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving / Praise

These are the elements of the natural/physical celebration of the Feast of Trumpets, and doing these things is a GREAT way to begin enjoying this special appointed time with The Lord.

You may have noticed in our target verses that this appointed time is to be kept as a "memorial."

Memorial of what?

That will be the focus of our next session:

Make a Joyful Noise ~ Part 2

Hope you will be back soon to 



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