
Showing posts from May, 2022

Building Anticipation For The Party!

  Hello Dear Readers!  Good to be with you as we near another one of YHVH's appointed times.   What are you doing to prepare? I put the above question out to a group recently, and I realized that many are not sure how to prepare for YHVH's appointed times.   For most of us, myself included, following YHVH's calendar is a new adventure.  Just knowing it exists feels like a real accomplishment!     I am no expert on the Appointed Times or in preparing for them, but I am glad to share a few ideas for getting started. 1) Study This is by far the most important aspect of celebrating YHVH's Appointed Times.  Find out what the Bible says about the feast days.  You can always find the beginning of a trail in Leviticus 23 .  Beyond that, doing a word search in Blue Letter Bible can help you find other places in the Bible where each feast is mentioned.  I recommend gleaning as much from scripture as you can about each feast be...

Courage to Build

I can always tell when I have been watching or reading too much news.  It has a tendency to make me feel anxious.  And, while it is true that our world is sinful, we have been given something much better on which to focus our attention:   YHVH And His plan to restore creation and man back to The Garden.  You see, when I begin to feel that newsy anxiety , I know that I am forgetting that I hold Revelation 22 in my hands and heart.  Truly, I am confident, without a shadow of doubt, that YHVH will bring His people back to the peace of the Garden of Eden.  Until then, we have been given important work to do.  What is that work? Making Disciples "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the  Ruach ha-Kodesh ,  teaching them to observe all I have commanded you. And remember! I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 We are to spread the Good News of the ...

What is All That Counting About?

Hello to my Feasting Friends! At the time of this blog post, we are just days away from another appointed time of YHVH.   How. Exciting. You have likely heard of this feast by one of the following names: Shavuot, or... Feast of Weeks, or... Pentecost. These all describe the same appointed time. My personal preference is to call it Shavuot, but you call it whatever you like....Deal? Shavuot is timed by its relationship to the Feast of First Fruits during the week of Passover.   Because of that, some friends will celebrate it at slightly different times, just as some celebrate Passover at slightly different times.   You know my take on calendars by now.  I say celebrate and support one another.  We will know the REAL dates when Messiah returns, until then, let's walk in obedience to The Father and love for our neighbors.  And if we time it just right with our friends, some of us may be able to celebrate a little bit extra!   Let us lo...