
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Sign

Hello Dear Friends and Readers! This is going to be a quick one...and it is about the "sign" that YHVH has given His people. While studying this week's Torah Portion, I visited a few scriptures that helped me get a better focus on the purpose of this sign between YHVH and His people. So what is it? In Exodus, we are told: Above all, you shall keep my Sabbaths , for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, YHVH, sanctify you.   Exodus 31:13   Why would the Sabbath be a sign between YHVH and His people? In walks Genesis 2:15 I am going to paste a link that will take you to Gen 2:15 in many translations.  Pay attention to the verbiage...and see how the "Literal Standard Version" and "Young's Literal Translation" differ from the others. You will have to scroll pretty far down to find either of them 😉     Please click here to see   Did you notice that most versions state that YHVH "put" Adam in...

To The One Who Overcomes

  Greetings Friends and Readers!  You may recall from my recent series, Was the Church Born at Pentecost , that I am currently making my way through the book of Revelation.  It's a slow walk, and I am finding morsels that I have skipped right over in the past.  For example...those 7 churches -- in the past I have rushed through reading about them. As I have taken my time digging into what Yeshua had to say to the churches, it has been quite exciting.  One notice is that Yeshua gave a message to overcomers within each church.  Don't we all want to be overcomers!   Want to know more?  Let's go! The Pattern As we begin looking at the 7 churches, we will see a pattern.  Each letter: Is written to "the angel" of the church; Begins with a different description of Yeshua directly tied to the overall description that John gives us in Revelation chapter 1; Moves in to commendations (when there are any to give); Then continues with thing...

Part 3 - Was The Church Born at Pentecost?

Hello Friends and Readers!  Good to be back at the keyboard again.  In Part 2 of this series, we looked at the Blue Letter Bible and the integrated Strong's Concordance and Thayer's Greek Lexicon to examine the word "church" as found in the New Testament.   We discovered that the Greek word "ekklesia" (Strong's G1577 ) and the Hebrew word "kahal" (Strong's H6951 ) can be used interchangeably, and that the Hebrew word goes all the way back to Genesis.   So, if a word equal to the word "church" existed in Genesis, can we believe that "the church" was born in Acts Chapter 2?   I question that. Let us first look at the usage of "kahal" in  Genesis 28:3 .  The verse reads: "Now may El Shaddai bless you, and make you fruitful and multiply you so that you will become an assembly of peoples."  I have highlighted the word "assembly," as that is our target word.   What would Genesis 28:3 read like ...

Part 2 - Was The Church Born at Pentecost?

Welcome back to the next installment of "Was the Church Born at Pentecost?"  I promised you in Part 1 that I would share the way I determine relationship between Greek and Hebrew words found in scripture.  Our target word for this series is "church." Will we find evidence that "the church" may have existed prior to Acts Chapter 2 ? I have made a short video of me using online tools to answer this question.  Two things may be helpful for you to know: 1) the website I use is the Blue Letter Bible website; 2) my doggies may or may not have been misbehaving during the recording. So, here is the video link, which will make up the remainder of this blog/vlog. ⇩   Greek / Hebrew Research Video I am new at knowing how to do a screen video, so I hope this has been helpful.  Please provide me with feedback on how to simplify or make it better for my readers.  This is new territory for me.  Thank you! So, if you watched the video, you know 2 thin...

Was The Church Born at Pentecost?

  Hello dear Friends and Readers!  As I endeavor to study the book of Revelation, I have a new question today.  When was "The Church" born? Seems an easy one, right?!  A quick internet search will give us an answer:  Pentecost.   But, can we trust that answer? Come Seek With Me! Chapter 1 of Revelation states that Yeshua has written letters to the "7 churches."  The churches are named, and we can look them up on a map quite easily.  They are all located in what today is known as southwest Turkey.   Okay.  That seems easy enough. As I studied the chapter, I began to look up words in the original Greek.  It will come as no surprise that the word used for "church" in Revelation is the Greek word "ekklesia" (Strong's Concordance # G1577 ).   Okay.  Still fairly predictable. Then, a question began to form... Is there a Hebrew equivalent for the Greek word "ekklesia?" My hypothesis was that there would not be.  A...

What Does Yeshua Look Like?

Many of Us Visualize Yeshua in a Manger So good to be back at the keyboard today.  I have taken a break from my regular Bible reading plan in order to spend some extra time digging through the Book of Revelation.   Did you know that Revelation is the actual Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, of Jesus Christ?  In many "red letter" Bibles, you will find much of this book printed in red ink, indicating Yeshua's spoken words.  Much like in the gospels, that gets my attention! What also gets my attention is the reality of who Yeshua is, each time I read this book. In our culture, many of us have this mental picture that visualizes Yeshua as a baby in a manger or hanging on a cruel cross.  Those depictions are not wrong.  But, continuing to dwell solely on those images has a way of weakening our understanding of who He really is .  (And I think it's by purposeful design -- a topic for another day, perhaps 😉)  Ummm, Debbie...what are...

The Great Escape - What Joseph Knew

  Hello dear Friends and Readers!   Good to be together again.  Today's title is about "escape," which Joseph speaks to the Sons of Israel about as he reveals his once hidden identity to them.   They are too dumbfounded to speak.  They have just been saved.   And Joseph is already speaking of escape.   Want to know more?  Let's go! I think most of my readers are familiar with the history of Joseph and his brothers.  How the brothers sold Jospeh into slavery in Egypt.  And how after many trials, Jospeh came to be a great ruler in Egypt.   If you want to brush up on the details, you can find the history here in Genesis .   When there came a great famine in the region, Joseph's brothers went to Egypt looking for food.  Their brother Jospeh, who was in charge of the food, had changed so much, they did not recognize him!  Joseph tested them a few times to see if their hearts had been changed, and thankfully,...