The Fall Feasts Are Coming
Hello Friends and Readers! Good to be with you once again as I do a bit of sharing about the "Fall Feasts." The Fall Feasts are the appointed times, mentioned in Leviticus 23, that take place in Autumn each year. I want to be transparent in telling you that I am not an expert or authority on any of YHVH's appointed times...Fall, Spring, or otherwise. But... I am someone who went from not knowing that appointed times even existed a few years ago, to someone who now celebrates them. As they are quickly approaching...want to learn and seek along with me? Let's go! Yom Teruah is the first of the Fall Feasts, or Fall Appointed Times. In English, it is often called the Feast of Trumpets. If you read Leviticus 23:23-25 you will see why. You may have noticed that Yom Teruah is celebrated in the 7th month (the others also)...but the reference here is the Hebrew 7th month, which falls in September/October and no...