
Showing posts from 2020

King Manasseh and The Case for Captivity

Hello Dear Friends and Readers!   Do you remember wicked King Manasseh?  I just realized something new about him this week, as I read in my "new"  The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms  book.   I smile when I say "new," as it was published in 1728.  But it is new to me :)  While reading in  The Chronology , I noticed an historical fact that I had missed in reading my bible.  King Manasseh of Judah, was captured (681 BC) by  Assyrian  King Asserhadon, and transported to  Babylon . King Manasseh was led by his nose to Babylon by the Assyrians According to The Chronology, there was some relationship between Assyria and Babylon through marriage at that time.  Due to the death (or change of leadership in some capacity) of the Assyrian king, Manasseh was freed (673 BC) and allowed to go back to Judah.  The Bible tells us that when Manasseh returned to Judah, he was a changed man.  Previously, Mana...

More Questions Than Answers

Hello from Israel!   I have so many questions as I read through The Word.  Some are quite complex, and I fear that I will forget them.   Have you ever had such a weak grasp on something like that?  It's like a dream that I am afraid I will not remember when I awake.  I am going to pin them here and wait for revelation from The Father.  As I learn more, my hope is to update.  If you read this and have something to share, please share.  Nov 1, 2020 Thinking of "brides" today.  In Jeremiah chapter 3, YHVH references giving Israel a certificate of divorce, inferring that a marriage has taken place.  Fast forward to Revelation 21 where John is told, "come, I will show you the bride...."  But the bride is not Israel or the church (as I have always been taught) but it is the holy city of Jerusalem.  Now add to that Paul in Ephesians 5 revealing the mystery of the husband/wife relationship and applying it to Messiah and His "call...

Yeshua Sightings in the Foundational Scriptures

Hello Friends!  This writing is a remix of an older blog that just keeps growing.  The topic is so important, that I decided it needed its own space.  You see, a few years ago, I asked The Father to show me Yeshua in the Foundational Scriptures. And you know what?   HE DID! I found so many "Yeshua sightings" on my next read through the Bible following that prayer, that I started writing them down.  And now, 2 years later I am still finding Him. *** Not sure He's there?  Well, don't take my word for it... Check out Luke 24:27: Yeshua, "beginning with Moses and all the Prophets...explained to them the things written about Himself in all the scriptures."   The only scriptures that were around at this time...were the original ones...what most folks call the Old Testament.  Yeshua was explaining that He could be found there.   Wanna see where?  Let's go! Yeshua is: The Parter of the sea! ( Ex 14:13 ) The Passover Lamb ( Ex 12:5-14 ) The Angel...

The Fall Feasts Are Coming: Sukkot Part 3

  I'm so happy that you have come back to visit with me in my sukkah!  This is one we have used in previous years.  As you can see, a sukkah is just a temporary outdoor living/hanging out space.  You can find lots of ideas for your own sukkah on the internet and places like Pinterest.  I'm kind of a basic girl, but for you artistic types that like to decorate, they sky is the limit (ha! it literally is!) In Part 2 , we discussed the importance of reading the Bible from cover to cover, the basics of Sukkot found in Leviticus 23 , and the commandment to be joyful during Sukkot in Deuteronomy 16 .   Now, let us take a look at Sukkot during the earthly life of Yeshua.  What was it like, and do we see any evidence that He participated? There were 2 important ceremonies associated with Sukkot during the days of Yeshua's earthly life.  There was a light ceremony 💡 and a water ceremony🚰.   💡 I bet you recall that Yeshua said in John 8:12 ,...

The Fall Feasts Are Coming: Sukkot Part 2

Hello, and welcome back to my sukkah!  If you are just arriving, please go back and read through Sukkot Part 1 , as you will need the context.  Don't worry...I will be here waiting for you when you get back.   If you read through Part 1, you know that I became interested in learning about Sukkot during my first time reading through the Bible, cover to cover.  Let me just stop here for a little commercial break:  If you have not read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, why not?   I was 40 years old the first time I did.  I know why I had not done it earlier.  I was distracted. If you are also being distracted from reading The Word, let me just encourage you right now that you CAN do it !  It takes less than 20 minutes a day.  If you're like me, you waste that much time on social media (ouch Debbie!)  If you skip the morning check-in, you won't even have to get up any earlier.  If not, just setting your alarm a few...