Sha-vu-what? Shavuot! You have likely heard of it described using its Greek name, Pentecost. The Acts 2 celebration of Pentecost is the Leviticus 23 Feast of Shavuot! (Notice the disciples were still celebrating it after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Yeshua. I believe this is ONE very compelling reason to learn about it). This is an exciting feast to study, because like Passover, we have seen it at least partially fulfilled in the gifting of The Holy Spirit (Acts 2). Jewish tradition has recorded that the Torah, or Law, was given during the first Shavuot. Tradition is not scripture, so we cannot be 100% sure of the timing, but I am compelled to lean into that timeline. It fits. Do your own homework, and if you come up with something different, I would love to hear. We should always be learning! ⇩ At the first Shavuot, the Torah was given to govern the hearts of YHVH's people. At the Shavuot we all know ...