
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Lord Our God is Echad!

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Deuteronomy 6:4 TLV I am so excited to share my most recent treasure from God's Word.  It has everything to do with this verse that has become a stumbling block for many.  Let's skip forward to the gospels in the new testament, to begin unpacking.... The gospel books tell and retell many of the same histories from different perspectives.  I love fitting them together to make complete pictures of the events that took place during the ministry of Yeshua.  Today's treasure has to do with one of those "fit togethers" that supports Deut 6:4.  I mentioned that this verse is a stumbling block for many.  Those who do not understand that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one (echad) believe that those of us who do are worshiping multiple gods (little g gods) and are therefore guilty of breaking the most important commandment.  That's a BIG, are we guilty?  Let's...

How's Your Foundation?

Back in the days when we still sang hymns at church, I recall singing a hymn about building my house on Christ the Solid Rock.  Do you remember that one? On Christ The Solid Rock I stand,  All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand... I can hear it now, and oh how I want my "house" to be built on Christ The Solid Rock!   While reading in Luke 6 today, and I ran across the passage that likely inspired that famous hymn.  Yeshua is teaching, and He notes that a certain group of people are, "like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock.  And when the flood came, the torrent burst against the house but could not shake it, because it had been well built" (v48 TLV).   Boy, I want to be one of those people with a well built house! So let's find out who the "solid rock group" is by learning who they are not....   "Why do you call Me 'Master, Master' and do not do wha...

God Help Me....If You Can

Has that ever been your prayer?   Mark 9:24 I must confess that I have prayed many prayers with this attitude.  Of this fact I am ashamed, but I do take comfort in knowing that I am not alone.  If you can relate, be encouraged.  God's Word shows us that we are not alone AND provides us with the remedy so that we may be confident in the abilities of our Heavenly Father.  Today's challenge will be to try the remedy! We will begin today in Mark 9.  Yeshua is ministering to the crowds, and the disciples have just failed to cast out a mute spirit.  The father of the suffering boy says to Yeshua, "but if You can do anything, have compassion and help us!" (v22 TLV).  Wow!  Did you catch that?  Yeshua sure did... "'If You can?' Yeshua said to him." (v23a) Oops...have you ever been there?  I know I have.  I feel sorry for this dad.  He has likely struggled greatly to care for his son, and he has already experie...