Eager for Fellowship: 10 Steps for Developing Your Tribe
People often ask me how I found my Bible study "tribe." Well, the truth is that I didn't find one, I was part of developing one. Grab a notepad and pen, Friends! Let us explore some strategies for developing deeper fellowship with whole Bible believers. PRAY The importance of prayer in the development of a tribe cannot be over-emphasized. Effective tribe-building is a supernatural experience, Friends. It happens because the Holy Spirit makes it happen. Don’t neglect prayer in this endeavor. EMBRACE THE DESERT While feelings of loneliness are difficult, there can be great joy in being one-on-one with YHVH. There is purpose in the waiting. Don’t resist Him. INVEST IN PEOPLE YOU ALREADY KNOW Have you noticed anyone who seems curious about your whole Bible lifestyle? Do you have a friend or family member that likes to “talk Bible” with you? These people may become your tribe. Perhaps you do not have such pe...